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Privacy Statement and Trademark considerations

Privacy Statement

Any information collected by this web site pertaining to you the user will be held in the strictest confidence and will be used without exception for the purposes of Clearview Business Solutions Inc. only. We will never rent, sell, lend or otherwise share or distribute ANY information about any of our subscribers, clients or visitors.

Trademarks, etc.

All product trade names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective companies. No claim is made with respect to the performance any product offered for sale by Clearview Business Systems Inc. other than that which is claimed by the software vendors. Due to the nature of the computer software industry Clearview Business Solutions Inc. will therefore not be responsible for errors or omissions in information supplied by the software vendor that may result in decisions to be made for which damages may arise at any time. Clearview Business Solutions Inc. will communicate the existence of such errors or omissions on a best efforts basis as such items are discovered by Clearview Business Solutions Inc. or their existence are communicated to Clearview Business Solutions by the software vendor.

Clearview Business Solutions Inc. makes no claim to any special relationship with any of the supplier companies listed herein other than that of an “Authorized Supplier” or “Authorized Business Partner” . These terms are the terms used by the respective software vendors with respect to individuals or companies that are members of a selected group of resellers or value added resellers (VAR’s) that are allowed to purchase the product for resale.

“Spire” and “Spire business management and accounting software” are  either registered trademarks or trademarks of Spire Software Inc.

“Sage BusinessVision”, “Sage 50” and “Sage 300” are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sage Group plc.

“QuickBooks” and “QuickBooks Online” are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Intuit, Inc.

“Microsoft Windows” and “Microsoft Windows Server” are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

All other product names mentioned herein are the registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Portions of this web site, the materials, brochures, software and demo downloads and information contained within are copyrighted by their respective owners.